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Pixelpost Latese(and random) Photo WordPress 1.2/1.5/2.0 or Higher!

toybsd 2008. 1. 30. 10:58

Download: latest_pblog_plugin.zip for Pixelpost 1.4.x and 1.5

Download: latest_pblog_plugin_1.3.zip for Pixelpost 1.3 (obsolute)


For more info or bug report: Pixelpost forum

To see this plugin in action: Seeking Life Weblog (Persian)

Known and Fixed bugs: Here

Plugin Version: 1.1

This Page is Updated at: 2006/01/06 01:04

Description:Using <?php show_latest_pixelpost_thumbnail(); ?> in Wordpress (inside index.php of wordpress1.2 and e.g. inside sidebar.php of wordpress1.5), shows the latest image from your Pixelpost photoblog in the wordpress blog. Compatible with Pixelpost version 1.3 or higher. From version 0.4 it shows the random thumbnails too.
Author: Ramin Mehran


  1. upload this plugin to Wordpress plugin folder <main folder>/wp-content/plugins
    and open it in an editor. Edit relative address of the Pixelpost photoblog:

    Relative address of Pixelpost main directory on the local server to the main address of the wordpress directory. For example, if your blog is placed at
     and you photoblog is placed at
    the relative address will be:
    Don’t forget the tailing slash ‘/’. Thus, the in the php file you will see:
    $PixelPost_local_address = “../pblog/”;

  2. Now edit URL address of the Pixelpost photoblog (do not miss the tailing “/” )

    $PixelPost_URL = “http://pblog.raminia.com/”;

  3. Set number of thumbs to show up. The default value is 1 for the latest thumb.

    $num_thum_toshow = 1;

    Also, you could set the number of random photos to show up.

    $num_rand_thum_toshow = 1;

  4. Use the function, show_latest_pixelpost_thumbnail(),  in your wordpress weblog where you want the latest thumbnail(s) appear inside the php tags

    <?php show_latest_pixelpost_thumbnail(); ?>

    Use the function, show_random_pixelpost_thumbnail(),  in your wordpress weblog where you want random thumbnail(s) appear inside the php tags

    <?php show_random_pixelpost_thumbnail(); ?>

  5. Activate the plugin in Admin menu of wordpress.
  6. Have fun;)


If you use old modification of latest_pblog.php form pixelpost.org you should eliminate it and delete the changes you made in the index.php(wordpress1.2) or sidebar.php (wordpress1.5).


  1. Delete the call for function show_latest_pixelpost_thumbnail() from wordpress weblog.
  2. Deactivate the plugin from the admin menu.

Known and Solved Bugs or Critical Modifications:

  1. The connection to the database for Pixelpost data was not closed at the early version and it may cause some problems with other plugins. This is fixed.
  2. Some strange manipulation of the Spell Checker pluging with path revealed some bugs with my plugin. I change the plugin version to 0.2 after correcting these bugs. Now on, the plugin should not prompt error if the path is not ok and it will simply be silent!
  3. Since Pixelpost version 1.4 has some modification in directories that differs from all of its older versions, a modified version of this plugin is released specially for Pixelpost version 1.4.
  4. GMT offset bug is fixed. Now it shows the latest thumb if your location differs from location of the server.
  5. Now you can set number of thumbnails to show up in you wp weblog (not just the last thumbnail). i.e. this can be set as $num_thum_toshow = 1; for the latest and $num_thum_toshow = 3; for the last three thumbs. The version is increased to 0.3.
  6. Now in addition to latest photo you can show the a number of random thumbnails from pixelpost on your photoblog. Teh version is increased to 0.4.
  7. Version 1.0: more descriptive reports on errors. a bit clean up.
  8. Version 1.0: more UTF-8 compatible!
  9. Version 1.1: A big bug with date format that was making the plugin to not function is fixed. If you tried this plugin and it didn’t work for you before you may try it again and it should work!http://weblog.raminia.com/wp-hacks/
