2008. 8. 5. 17:16

워드프레스 주소(url) 변경하기

WordPress는 여러 파일들과 폴더들로 구성되어 있습니다. 대부분의 사용자들은 웹폴더를 효율적으로 관리하기 위해서 wordpress를 http://hooney.net/blog/ 또는, http://hooney.net/wp/ 로 설정합니다.

http://hooney.net/blog/ 보다는 http://hooney.net/의 조금이라도 짧은 URI가 방문자들의 블로그에 대한 접근성을 높혀주기 때문에, php 및 js를 이용하거나, 또는 mod_rewrite를 이용해서 루트폴더에 있는 index 파일을 리다이렉트 시키곤 합니다.

하지만, 이방법 역시 uri 주소를 리다이렉트시키는 것 뿐이지 퍼멀링크를 변경시키는 방법은 아닙니다. 이 문제를 해결할 수 있는 방법을 소개합니다.

출처 : WordPress 공식 홈페이지의 지원포럼

아래처럼 블로그 주소를 옮긴다고 가정하면,

  • 워드프레스가 설치되어 있는 주소 -> http://hooney.net/blog/
  • 워드프레스를 옮기려고 하는 주소 -> http://hooney.net/

4개의 해야할 일 :

  1. 워드프레스 관리자 페이지의 설정 > 일반에서 블로그 주소만 http://hooney.net으로 수정합니다. (단, 워드프레스 주소는 http://hooney.net/blog 그대로 유지)
  2. 워드프레스 인덱스 파일인 http://hooney.net/blog/의 index.php 파일을 root 폴더인 http://hooney.net/으로 복사합니다.
  3. 복사한 인덱스 파일을 메모장으로 열어서 require(’./wp-blog-header.php’); 부분을 require(’./blog/wp-blog-header.php’); 로 수정합니다.
  4. .htaccess 파일을 이용해서 mod_rewrite 기능을 사용하고 있다면, 관리자 페이지의 설정 > 변하지 않는 링크에서 새로 고침 버튼을 클릭합니다.

출처 : http://hooney.net/2005/06/07/112

2007. 7. 14. 17:21

Embedding MG2 in WordPress

The purpose of this document is to describe the process that I used to insert my MG2 (v0.5.1) photo gallery using the default rounded skin into my WordPress (2.0.1) based web site. You can see the final result @ http://okuda.ca/gallery/.

I started with the tutorial at the MG2 support site. Unfortunately, there have been some significant changes to how WordPress themes work between 1.5 and 2.0 so that was only used as a guideline. In some cases my process was slightly easier and there were some new steps to follow....

My site is organized with the WordPress blog in /blog and the photo gallery in /gallery. What I wanted to do was keep the photo gallery as stand-alone pages, but with the look and feel of the WordPress blog. This is instead of trying to truly insert the gallery into the WordPress blog through a plugin or in a page or with an iframe. This is how the original tutorial works.

The basic process is to put the WordPress header at the top of the page and the footer at the bottom with the least amount of changes to either WordPress or MG2.

Step 1

Create two new files in the MG2 gallery “/gallery” called wpheader.php and wpfooter.php. Here are their contents.


  1. <!--p<br-->&nbsp; define(’MG2_GALLERY’, true);
  2. &nbsp; require(’./../blog/wp-blog-header.php’);
  3. &nbsp; get_header();
  4. ?>
  5. <div id="content">


The file above will be used to include the WordPress header into the gallery. The define('MG2_GALLERY', true); line is to allow us to identify that the header is being used by the MG2 gallery. You will see why this is important later.

출처 : http://notions.okuda.ca/mg2-hacks/embedding-mg2-in-wordpress/ 

2007. 7. 13. 15:02

Grid Focus 테마의 메인화면에 이미지랑 글자 모든것을 표시할 경우.

Grid Focus Theme image problem

index.php파일의 “<p><?php the_content_rss(”, FALSE, ”, 68); ?></p>” 이부분을 아래와 같이 바꾸어 주게 되면,

“<p><?php the_content(’<p class=”serif”>Read the rest of this entry »</p>’); ?></p>”

모든내용이 메인화면에 표시되게 된다.

I have the solution for this little problem. Replace the follow code in the index.php file:

OLD: “<p><?php the_content_rss(”, FALSE, ”, 68); ?></p>”

REPLACE: “<p><?php the_content(’<p class=”serif”>Read the rest of this entry »</p>’); ?></p>”

2007. 7. 13. 15:00

How to widgetise Grid Focus WordPress Theme


It seems that after much debate and a multitude of emails, Derek Punsalan decided to release his Grid Focus Wordpress theme to the general public. I, for one am grateful for this as the Grid Focus theme has now become the base theme for my new site design. It’s work in progress and I still have a few things I want to try out before I can call it complete.

One of the things I wanted to add to this theme, was support for widgets. Grid Focs is a 3 column theme. Out of the box, the two right most columns contain hard coded elements. But what if you wanted to change the content of those two columns regularly with no fuss? Widget support is the ticket.
So, inline with Derek’s philosophy here is my contribution to the theme: I bring you, how to widgetise the Grid Focus wordpress theme. In this tutorial I will show you how you can add widget support to the columns shown in red in the picture below.

Widget Grid Focus

It’s very simple and you can probably do it in 5 minutes. Remember before you start, to backup all the files you will require to modify - I will not be held responsible if it does work. This has been tested on my web site running wordpress version 2.2.

Ok, let’s get started.

Step 1:

The first thing you need to do is to create a file called ‘functions.php’ in which you have add the following code. This is a file that Wordpress looks for and reads it if it finds it:

 <?php if ( function_exists(’register_sidebar’) )     register_sidebars((2),array(         ‘before_widget’ => ‘<div class=”sidebar_widget”>’,         ‘after_widget’ => ‘</div>’,         ‘before_title’ => ‘<h3>’,         ‘after_title’ => ‘</h3>’,     )); ?> 

Once you have done that, save your file and upload it in the same folder that holds your theme.

Step 2:

In this step you will need to modify the file originally provided with the theme called ’second.php’. This step really is up to you as it depends on much of the original structure you want to keep. For example you might want to keep the link sections and add widgets, you might want to keep the meta section and add widgets - it’s up to you. In my case, I have kept the search form and added widget capability.

The original code of the file ’second.php’ was:

 <div id=”midCol”> 	<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/searchform.php’); ?> 	<div class=”middle_links”> 		<h3>Your choice links</h3> 		<p>Your choice links. Let readers know what they should be reading on your site.</p> 		<ul> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 		</ul> 	</div> 	<div class=”middle_links”> 		<h3>Your choice links</h3> 		<p>Your choice links. Let readers know what they should be reading on your site.</p> 		<ul> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 		</ul> 	</div> 	<div class=”middle_links”> 		<h3>Subscribe</h3> 		<p>Stay updated on my meandering thoughts & activities via RSS (Syndicate).</p> 		<ul> 			<li><a href=”feed:<?php bloginfo(’rss2_url’); ?>” title=”Full content RSS feed”>Content RSS</a> - Straight to your reader</li> 			<li><a href=”feed:<?php bloginfo(’comments_rss2_url’); ?>” title=”Full comments RSS feed”>Comments RSS</a> - Add to the discussion</li> 		</ul> 	</div> 	<div class=”middle_links”> 		<h3>Meta</h3> 		<ul> 			<?php wp_register(); ?> 			<li><?php wp_loginout(); ?></li> 			<?php wp_meta(); ?> 		</ul> 	</div> </div> 

After my changes, my file now looks like:

 <div id=”midCol”> <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/searchform.php’); ?> <?php if ( !function_exists(’dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(1) ) : ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> 

Step 3:

In this step you will need to modify the file originally provided with the theme called ‘third.php’. Again, this depends on you - on how much of the original file you want to keep. In my case, I have kept the original file structure (i.e the option to add picture links) and simply added widget capability before the links.

The original code of the file ‘third.php’ was:

 <div id=”tertCol”> 	<div id=”elseWhere”> 		<h3>Before you go</h3> 		<p>Going so soon? May these links be a guide to web enlightenment. Schwing!</p> 		<ul id=”imgLinks”> 			<li><a href=”http://5thirtyone.com/grid-focus” mce_href=”http://5thirtyone.com/grid-focus” title=”Download Grid Focus by: Derek Punsalan”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(’template_directory’); ?>/images/guide/grid_focus_531.gif” alt=”Grid Focus - 531″ /></a></li> 			<li><a href=”http://is.derekpunsalan.com/” mce_href=”http://is.derekpunsalan.com/” title=”Visit Derek Punsalan…is”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(’template_directory’); ?>/images/guide/is.gif” alt=”Derek Punsalan…is” /></a></li> 		</ul> 	</div><!– close #imgLinks –> </div><!– close #tertCol –> 

After my changes, my file now looks like:

 <div id=”tertCol”> 	<?php if ( !function_exists(’dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(2) ) : ?> 	<?php endif; ?> 	<div id=”elseWhere”> 		<h3>Before you go</h3> 		<p>Going so soon? May these links be a guide to web enlightenment. Schwing!</p> 		<ul id=”imgLinks”> 			<li><a href=”http://5thirtyone.com/grid-focus” mce_href=”http://5thirtyone.com/grid-focus” title=”Download Grid Focus by: Derek Punsalan”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(’template_directory’); ?>/images/guide/grid_focus_531.gif” alt=”Grid Focus - 531″ /></a></li> 			<li><a href=”http://is.derekpunsalan.com/” mce_href=”http://is.derekpunsalan.com/” title=”Visit Derek Punsalan…is”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(’template_directory’); ?>/images/guide/is.gif” alt=”Derek Punsalan…is” /></a></li> 		</ul> 	</div><!– close #imgLinks –> </div><!– close #tertCol –> 

All you now have to do, is to go to the ‘Widgets’ section (under Presentation) in the admin part of your site and add the widgets you want.

I have included has a ‘help’ an archive file that contains all three created/modified files. You can grab that archive file by clicking on the shopping cart below.

shopping cart

2007. 7. 12. 15:03

FAlbum - Flickr Photo Album - WordPress plugin

FAlbum - Flickr Photo Album - WordPress plugin



FAlbum 0.7.0

This is a Wordpress plugin that allows you to display your Flickr photos and photosets on your site.

This plugin uses the Flickr API (http://www.flickr.com/services/api/).


  • Configurable and maintained through standard WordPress administrative page
  • View album of most recent photos - Example
  • View your photos using tags - Example
  • View your tags in a cloud format - Example
  • Caching of Flickr API calls and generated html
  • Pull EXIF data from Frickr
  • Flickr notes are viewable (multi-line and html code) - Example
  • Next image pre-caching is performed on the browser
  • Supports Flickr’s new Authentication API
  • Localization support
  • Ability to edit photo title and descriptions - Screenshot


Install / Setup Instrutions:


  • Q: If you have questions or need help getting FAlbum to work.
    A: Please check and use the Forum and Wiki.
  • Q: How to display the recent photos in the sidebar.
    A: See: Wiki
  • Q: Admin panel is not showing. Options->FAlbum
    A: You currently need atleast level 8 security to view the FAlbum admin page.

Latest source:

  • Note: ! Will probably not be in a stable/working state !
  • https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/falbum/trunk/src/falbum