2007. 7. 14. 14:54

도메인 이전(Transfer)

도메인 기관이전(Transfer)에 대해서 알아보자.

기관이전이란? 어떤 도메인 업체에 자신의 도메인을 등록하여 관리하고 있었는데 그 업체의 서비스가 마음에 안들거나 기타, 이유로 도메인을 다른 업체(예:www.inplaza.com)로 옮겨와서 서비스 받는 것을 말한다.

여기서 기관이란 도메인을 서비스 하고 있는 업체를 말한다.

기관이전을 할 경우 중요한 참고사항들이 있는데…우선은 도메인에 대한 사용 잔여일을 체크해 봐야 한다.

국제도메인과 국내도메인의 경우 차이가 좀 있으니 한번 알아보도록 하자.

[국제도메인(com/net/org/biz/info…)의 경우]

1.최초 도메인 등록 후 60일이 지난 도메인이어야 한다.

2.또한 만료일 기준 사용 잔여일이 15일 이상 남아있어야 한다.

[국내도메인(.kr)의 경우]

1.최초 도메인 등록 후 10일이 지난 도메인이어야 한다.

2.만료일 기준 사용 잔여일이 최소한 7일 이상 남아있어야 할것이다.

[또한 기관이전이 안되는 경우가 있는데…]

1.기관이전 하려는 도메인이 분쟁상태에 있는 경우

2.도메인 관리자(책임자)의 이메일이 현재 사용 불가능한 경우(이유는 기관이전에 관한 승인 안내 내용이 이메일로 전달되므로…)

기관이전을 할 경우 비용이 드는데 보통 도메인등록 업체마다 할인율을 적용하고 있다. 고객을 자기네 쪽으로 끌어들이기 위해서 일 것이다. 일반 도메인 등록보다 가격이 저렴하며, 기관이전을 하게되면 자동으로 기본 1년을 사용할 수 있게 만료일이 연장 되어진다.

아래 그림은 기관이전에 관한 신청절차를 도식화 한 것이며, 기존 도메인 관리 업체에서 www.inplaza.com 으로 이전 할 경우를 설명한 것이다.


[포스트 자료참고 : 인터넷프라자시티 www.inplaza.com]

2007. 7. 14. 14:53



성별 투표참여율
남자 여자

성별에따른 영화선정투표

2007. 7. 14. 14:51

경남열대어사랑 메인상단 그림 교체.

경남열대어사랑 메인상단 그림을 교체하였다.

기존의 fishya.com이라는 무성의한 이미지에서 열대어 사이트
동호회라는 이미지를 메인화면에서 풍기게 하기 위해서

만들어 놓고 나니 훨씬 색감도 맘에 들고 괜찮은것 같다.

교체된 배너

사용자 삽입 이미지


사용자 삽입 이미지

2007. 7. 13. 15:02

Grid Focus 테마의 메인화면에 이미지랑 글자 모든것을 표시할 경우.

Grid Focus Theme image problem

index.php파일의 “<p><?php the_content_rss(”, FALSE, ”, 68); ?></p>” 이부분을 아래와 같이 바꾸어 주게 되면,

“<p><?php the_content(’<p class=”serif”>Read the rest of this entry »</p>’); ?></p>”

모든내용이 메인화면에 표시되게 된다.

I have the solution for this little problem. Replace the follow code in the index.php file:

OLD: “<p><?php the_content_rss(”, FALSE, ”, 68); ?></p>”

REPLACE: “<p><?php the_content(’<p class=”serif”>Read the rest of this entry »</p>’); ?></p>”

2007. 7. 13. 15:00

How to widgetise Grid Focus WordPress Theme


It seems that after much debate and a multitude of emails, Derek Punsalan decided to release his Grid Focus Wordpress theme to the general public. I, for one am grateful for this as the Grid Focus theme has now become the base theme for my new site design. It’s work in progress and I still have a few things I want to try out before I can call it complete.

One of the things I wanted to add to this theme, was support for widgets. Grid Focs is a 3 column theme. Out of the box, the two right most columns contain hard coded elements. But what if you wanted to change the content of those two columns regularly with no fuss? Widget support is the ticket.
So, inline with Derek’s philosophy here is my contribution to the theme: I bring you, how to widgetise the Grid Focus wordpress theme. In this tutorial I will show you how you can add widget support to the columns shown in red in the picture below.

Widget Grid Focus

It’s very simple and you can probably do it in 5 minutes. Remember before you start, to backup all the files you will require to modify - I will not be held responsible if it does work. This has been tested on my web site running wordpress version 2.2.

Ok, let’s get started.

Step 1:

The first thing you need to do is to create a file called ‘functions.php’ in which you have add the following code. This is a file that Wordpress looks for and reads it if it finds it:

 <?php if ( function_exists(’register_sidebar’) )     register_sidebars((2),array(         ‘before_widget’ => ‘<div class=”sidebar_widget”>’,         ‘after_widget’ => ‘</div>’,         ‘before_title’ => ‘<h3>’,         ‘after_title’ => ‘</h3>’,     )); ?> 

Once you have done that, save your file and upload it in the same folder that holds your theme.

Step 2:

In this step you will need to modify the file originally provided with the theme called ’second.php’. This step really is up to you as it depends on much of the original structure you want to keep. For example you might want to keep the link sections and add widgets, you might want to keep the meta section and add widgets - it’s up to you. In my case, I have kept the search form and added widget capability.

The original code of the file ’second.php’ was:

 <div id=”midCol”> 	<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/searchform.php’); ?> 	<div class=”middle_links”> 		<h3>Your choice links</h3> 		<p>Your choice links. Let readers know what they should be reading on your site.</p> 		<ul> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 		</ul> 	</div> 	<div class=”middle_links”> 		<h3>Your choice links</h3> 		<p>Your choice links. Let readers know what they should be reading on your site.</p> 		<ul> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 			<li><a href=”#” mce_href=”#”>Link Title</a> - Link description (optional)</li> 		</ul> 	</div> 	<div class=”middle_links”> 		<h3>Subscribe</h3> 		<p>Stay updated on my meandering thoughts & activities via RSS (Syndicate).</p> 		<ul> 			<li><a href=”feed:<?php bloginfo(’rss2_url’); ?>” title=”Full content RSS feed”>Content RSS</a> - Straight to your reader</li> 			<li><a href=”feed:<?php bloginfo(’comments_rss2_url’); ?>” title=”Full comments RSS feed”>Comments RSS</a> - Add to the discussion</li> 		</ul> 	</div> 	<div class=”middle_links”> 		<h3>Meta</h3> 		<ul> 			<?php wp_register(); ?> 			<li><?php wp_loginout(); ?></li> 			<?php wp_meta(); ?> 		</ul> 	</div> </div> 

After my changes, my file now looks like:

 <div id=”midCol”> <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/searchform.php’); ?> <?php if ( !function_exists(’dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(1) ) : ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> 

Step 3:

In this step you will need to modify the file originally provided with the theme called ‘third.php’. Again, this depends on you - on how much of the original file you want to keep. In my case, I have kept the original file structure (i.e the option to add picture links) and simply added widget capability before the links.

The original code of the file ‘third.php’ was:

 <div id=”tertCol”> 	<div id=”elseWhere”> 		<h3>Before you go</h3> 		<p>Going so soon? May these links be a guide to web enlightenment. Schwing!</p> 		<ul id=”imgLinks”> 			<li><a href=”http://5thirtyone.com/grid-focus” mce_href=”http://5thirtyone.com/grid-focus” title=”Download Grid Focus by: Derek Punsalan”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(’template_directory’); ?>/images/guide/grid_focus_531.gif” alt=”Grid Focus - 531″ /></a></li> 			<li><a href=”http://is.derekpunsalan.com/” mce_href=”http://is.derekpunsalan.com/” title=”Visit Derek Punsalan…is”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(’template_directory’); ?>/images/guide/is.gif” alt=”Derek Punsalan…is” /></a></li> 		</ul> 	</div><!– close #imgLinks –> </div><!– close #tertCol –> 

After my changes, my file now looks like:

 <div id=”tertCol”> 	<?php if ( !function_exists(’dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(2) ) : ?> 	<?php endif; ?> 	<div id=”elseWhere”> 		<h3>Before you go</h3> 		<p>Going so soon? May these links be a guide to web enlightenment. Schwing!</p> 		<ul id=”imgLinks”> 			<li><a href=”http://5thirtyone.com/grid-focus” mce_href=”http://5thirtyone.com/grid-focus” title=”Download Grid Focus by: Derek Punsalan”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(’template_directory’); ?>/images/guide/grid_focus_531.gif” alt=”Grid Focus - 531″ /></a></li> 			<li><a href=”http://is.derekpunsalan.com/” mce_href=”http://is.derekpunsalan.com/” title=”Visit Derek Punsalan…is”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(’template_directory’); ?>/images/guide/is.gif” alt=”Derek Punsalan…is” /></a></li> 		</ul> 	</div><!– close #imgLinks –> </div><!– close #tertCol –> 

All you now have to do, is to go to the ‘Widgets’ section (under Presentation) in the admin part of your site and add the widgets you want.

I have included has a ‘help’ an archive file that contains all three created/modified files. You can grab that archive file by clicking on the shopping cart below.

shopping cart